11 Ways to Misbehave at a Manchester Christian Festival.

Over the next month and a bit the Christian Festival circuit will continue to burst back into life from the covid hibernation. With festivals such as Keswick, Greenbelt. Satellites, Creation Fest, there is also Festival Manchester. Or #FestivalManchester according to Twitter.

As a former Manchester student, I couldn’t resist the prompt to imagine different ways to misbehave at a Manchester Christian Festival.

Obviously if you get into trouble for any of this, well… don’t blame me.


11 Ways to Misbehave at a Manchester Christian Festival.

  1. Wear a red shirt, chant “City are the Best!”, then wait for the forbearance of Christ to be displayed around you.
  2. Cosplay as a Christian Gallagher brother.
  3. Bring  a petition for an annual Manchester Passion.
  4. Walk around blessing everyone, in a Scouse accent.
  5. Advertise a City of Manchester event. Address of the event is in Salford.
  6. Spread a rumour that The World Wide Message Tribe are back. Sob quietly when you realise that young people are looking at you, with a look of confused worry across their face.
  7. Bring a sign offering free hugs to Manchester United supporters.
  8. Offer baptisms in the canal.
  9. Start a survey asking if Jesus had a brew, what would it be.
  10. Ask why songs by James / oasis / Happy Mondays / The Smiths / Joy Division aren’t in the worship set list.
  11. Go the pub. Party. Ache the next morning when you remember that you’re not a student anymore, and Iittle child is jumping on you.

Any more that should be added? Please comment below.

With thanks to @DavePiperDJ for the idea…